Thursday, October 17, 2013

Felicity and Patriat"s photostory!

One day Felicity and horse Patriot were taking a walk they were going to climb a mountain!

Felicity remembered to put Patriot's rope securely under a rock.

Felicity gave Patriot a pat and the walked over to the other side and got ready to climb!

almost there!

Felicity took a wrong footing and fell! : 0


"OWWW! my leg!" she cried

Meanwhile Patriot had also taken a wrong footing and hurt his hoof! :0
What were they going to do!
But luckily Felicity's friend Lorry was taking a walk that day and when she saw them she rushed to

"what happened?" asked alarmed Lorry "I fell and hurt my leg! Patriot is hurt too!"

Lorry rushed over to Patriot. And then she called the Doctor.

"Hello?" She said "hello" said the Doctor "how can I help you?"
"My friend and her horse are hurt we are at the mountain please come quickly!"

Soon the Doctor was rushing over to Felicity.

She wrapped a bandage on her foot.

"you will have to use these crutches for a while" she said.
"okay" said Felicity.

Then she went to put a bandage on Patriot's foot. 

"well at least only our legs are hurt" said Felicity
"just remember to always be more careful" said the Doctor
"I will!" said Felicity.


Elly : D
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