Thursday, March 14, 2013

My Room!!!

Hi everyone today I am going to show you my room!

This is my desk were I make a lot of crafts!

I love type writing on my type writer! ( under it is my kerioci machine that I
got for Christmas!)

This is my book shelf which is where I grow my plant
( I named it Rapunzel because it is really long!) 

This is my doll house!

My pin up board I Love pinning up my art work, animal posters, letters,
and more!

My night stand the picture thing is a day calender every day there is
a cute picture of an animal today the pic is of  two dwarf hamsters!

I have a bunk bed this is the bottom bunk!

My closet doors I painted these pictures of Prilla and a girl standing on her head!

I LOVE hanging pictures that I drew on my walls!
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Hope you liked the post!
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